Comments:"Wikipedia processing. PyPy vs CPython benchmark — Robert Zaremba Scale it blog"
Lately I’ve done some data mining tasks on Wikipedia. It consist of:
- processing enwiki-pages-articles.xml Wikipedia dump
- storing pages and categories into mongodb
- using redis for mapping category titles
I made a benchmark on a real tasks for CPython 2.7.3 and PyPy 2b. Libraries I used:
- redis 2.7.2
- pymongo 2.4.2
Furthermore CPython was supported by:
- hiredis
- pymongo c-extensions
The benchmark mostly involve databases processing so I fought I won’t have huge PyPy benefit (since CPython drivers are supported by C-extensions).
Below I will describe some interesting results
Filtering categories from enwiki.xml
To facilitate work with categories I needed to filter categories from enwiki-pages-articles.xml and store them back with the same xml format. For this task I used SAX parser, which in both PyPy and CPython is a wrapper around expat parser. expat is native complied package (in both PyPy and CPython).
The code is quiet simple:
classWikiCategoryHandler(handler.ContentHandler):"""Class which detecs category pages and stores them separately """ignored=set(('contributor','comment','meta'))def__init__(self,f_out):handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self)self.f_out=f_outself.curr_page=Noneself.curr_tag=''self.curr_elem=Element('root',{})self.root=self.curr_elemself.stack=Stack()self.stack.push(self.curr_elem)self.skip=0defstartElement(self,name,attrs):ifself.skip>0ornameinself.ignored:self.skip+=1returnself.curr_tag=nameelem=Element(name,attrs)ifname=='page':elem.ns=-1self.curr_page=elemelse:# we don't want to keep old pages in memoryself.curr_elem.append(elem)self.stack.push(elem)self.curr_elem=elemdefendElement(self,name):ifself.skip>0:self.skip-=1returnifname=='page':self.task()self.curr_page=Noneself.stack.pop(),content):ifcontent.isspace():returnifself.skip==0:self.curr_elem.append(TextElement(content))ifself.curr_tag=='ns':self.curr_page.ns=int(content)defstartDocument(self):self.f_out.write("<root>\n")defendDocument(self):self.f_out.write("<\root>\n")print("FINISH PROCESSING WIKIPEDIA")deftask(self):ifself.curr_page.ns==14:self.f_out.write(self.curr_page.render())classElement(object):def__init__(self,tag,attrs):self.tag=tagself.attrs=attrsself.childrens=[]self.append=self.childrens.appenddef__repr__(self):return"Element {}".format(self.tag)defrender(self,margin=0):ifnotself.childrens:returnu"{0}<{1}{2} />".format(" "*margin,self.tag,"".join([' {}="{}"'.format(k,v)fork,vin{}.iteritems()]))ifisinstance(self.childrens[0],TextElement)andlen(self.childrens)==1:returnu"{0}<{1}{2}>{3}</{1}>".format(" "*margin,self.tag,"".join([u' {}="{}"'.format(k,v)fork,vin{}.iteritems()]),self.childrens[0].render())returnu"{0}<{1}{2}>\n{3}\n{0}</{1}>".format(" "*margin,self.tag,"".join([u' {}="{}"'.format(k,v)fork,vin{}.iteritems()]),"\n".join((c.render(margin+2)forcinself.childrens)))classTextElement(object):def__init__(self,content):self.content=contentdef__repr__(self):return"TextElement"defrender(self,margin=0):returnself.content
The Element and TextElement objects holds information about element tag and body, and provides a method to render it.
Here I expect similar result for both PyPy and CPython.
I’m positively surprised with PyPy result.
Computing interesting categories set
I wanted to compute a interesting categories set - which, in my use case, consist of categories derived from Computing category. For this I needed to construct a category graph which will provide category - sub categories relation.
Construction category - sub categories relation
This task uses data from mongodb and redis constructed before. The algorithms is:
for each in redis_categories (it holds * -> category title mapping*) do: title = redis_categories.get( parent_categories = mongodb get categories for title for each parent_cat in parent categories do: redis_tree.sadd(parent_cat, title) # add to parent_cat set title
Sorry for this pseudo code, but I think it looks more compact.
So this task is just copying data between databases. The result here are made after mongodb warming up (without it the results are biased because mongodb latency - the python job uses only 10% CPU) The timing is:
Another points to PyPy.
Traversing redis_tree
If we have redis_tree database, then only thing left is to traverse all nodes which are achievable from Computing category. To preserve falling into cycle we need to remember which categories we visited. Since I want to test Python for database tasks I used redis set field for this.
To be honest this task also requires constructing some tabu list - to prevent jumping into unwanted categories. But this is not a point of this article.
Presented tasks are only introduction for my final work. It requires a knowledge base which I got by extracting appropriate articles from Wikipedia.
PyPy gives me 2-3 times performance boost compared to CPython for simple data bases operations (I’m not counting sql parser here, which is almost 8x).
Thanks PyPy my work was more pleasant - I got Python productivity without frustrating with waiting for results to correct my algorithms. Moreover PyPy doesn’t kill my CPU as CPython does so in a meantime I could normally use my laptop (check % CPU time usage).
The tasks was mostly database manipulation, and CPython has some speed-up from developers contribute into dirty C-extensions. PyPy doesn’t use them and at the end is faster!
All my work required a lot of cycles so I’m really happy with PyPy.