Comments:"What is "chat with an expert"? - Meta Stack Overflow"
This is an another unfunny joke from stuckoverflaw devs dedicated to 1st April day. "Expert" on the other side is merely a kind of ELIZA software easily recognizable by rephrased replies (that is, this software rephrases your message to form apparently sensible reply). The other kind of replies this software can give is indefinite (see the transcripts in the other answers).
My solution is to use AdBlock Plus:
because it wasn't humorous at all (I recognized a bot in 1 message by typing very fast and by "rephrased" pattern). Another annoyance factor was a failure to be unobtrusive - this element fails to be at the screen edge and obscures real page content.
I completely second @Dukeling's opinion on that: low rank on humour, high rank on irritation.