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Turning the Raspberry Pi Into an FM Transmitter - Imperial College Robotics Society Wiki


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From Imperial College Robotics Society Wiki

Steps to play sound:

(Created by Oliver Mattos and Oskar Weigl. Code is GPL)

sudo python>>> import PiFm>>> PiFm.play_sound("sound.wav")

Now connect a 20cm or so plain wire to GPIO 4 to act as an antenna, and tune an FM radio to 100.0Mhz

Download the module here:

(this contains both source and a ready to go binary. Just run the above code in the same folder. The antenna is optional, but range is reduced from ~100 meters to ~10cm without the antenna. The sound file must be 16 bit mono wav format. )

How to change the broadcast frequency

In pifm.c, see line 106. The "5a" number here is a hardware specific password - ignore it (see the datasheet for specifics). The "0x5000" is the carrier frequency, it should be interpreted as 5.000 (in hex), and m is the added audio modulation. This chooses how the 500Mhz system clock is divided down to produce the 100Mhz FM carrier. Hence if you wanted a 99.0Mhz carrier, you would divide by 5.050505 (decimal), which in hex is 5.0CF. Hence if you changed the number on that line to 0x50CF you should be able to get a 99.0Mhz FM signal. Most radio receivers want a signal to be a multiple of 0.1 MHz to work properly.

The details of how it works

Below is some code that was hacked together over a few hours at the Code Club pihack. It uses the hardware on the raspberry pi that is actually meant to generate spread-spectrum clock signals on the GPIO pins to output FM Radio energy. This means that all you need to do to turn the Raspberry-Pi into a (ridiculously powerful) FM Transmitter is to plug in a wire as the antenna (as little as 20cm will do) into GPIO pin 4 and run the code posted below. It transmits on 100.0 MHz.

When testing, the signal only started to break up after we went through several conference rooms with heavy walls, at least 50m away, and crouched behind a heavy metal cabinet. The sound quality is ok, but not amazing, as it currently plays some clicks when the CPU gets switched away to do anything else than play the music. The plan was to make a kernel mode driver that would be able to use the DMA controller to offload the CPU and play smooth music without loading the CPU, but we ran out of time.

If you're v. smart, you might be able to get stereo going!

Accessing Hardware

The python library calls a C program (provided both precompiled and in source form). The C program maps the Peripheral Bus (0x20000000) in physical memory into virtual address space using /dev/mem and mmap. To do this it needs root access, hence the sudo. Next it sets the clock generator module to enabled and sets it to output on GPIO4 (no other accessible pins can be used). It also sets the frequency to 100.0Mhz (provided from PLLD@500Mhz, divided by 5), which provides a carrier. At this point, radios will stop making a "fuzz" noise, and become silent.

Modulation is done by adjusting the frequency using the fractional divider between 100.025Mhz and 99.975Mhz, which makes the audio signal. The fractional divider doesn't have enough resolution to produce more than ~6 bit audio, but since the PI is very fast, we can do oversampling to provide about 9.5 bit audio by using 128 subsamples per real audio sample.

The code!

Compile it using

gcc -lm -std=c99 pifm.c

and run it by giving it a wave file (.wav) that is 16 bit 44.1kHz Mono format as a command line argument.

  • Note, code quality is: Completely Hacked Together
#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <dirent.h>#include <math.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <assert.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <sys/mman.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <signal.h>#include <unistd.h> #define PAGE_SIZE (4*1024)#define BLOCK_SIZE (4*1024) int mem_fd;char *gpio_mem, *gpio_map;char *spi0_mem, *spi0_map;  // I/O accessvolatile unsigned *gpio;volatile unsigned *allof7e; // GPIO setup macros. Always use INP_GPIO(x) before using OUT_GPIO(x) or SET_GPIO_ALT(x,y)#define INP_GPIO(g) *(gpio+((g)/10)) &= ~(7<<(((g)%10)*3))#define OUT_GPIO(g) *(gpio+((g)/10)) |= (1<<(((g)%10)*3))#define SET_GPIO_ALT(g,a) *(gpio+(((g)/10))) |= (((a)<=3?(a)+4:(a)==4?3:2)<<(((g)%10)*3)) #define GPIO_SET *(gpio+7) // sets bits which are 1 ignores bits which are 0#define GPIO_CLR *(gpio+10) // clears bits which are 1 ignores bits which are 0#define GPIO_GET *(gpio+13) // sets bits which are 1 ignores bits which are 0 #define ACCESS(base) *(volatile int*)((int)allof7e+base-0x7e000000)#define SETBIT(base, bit) ACCESS(base) |= 1<<bit#define CLRBIT(base, bit) ACCESS(base) &= ~(1<<bit) #define CM_GP0CTL (0x7e101070)#define GPFSEL0 (0x7E200000)#define CM_GP0DIV (0x7e101074)#define CLKBASE (0x7E101000)#define DMABASE (0x7E007000)#define PWMBASE (0x7e20C000) /* PWM controller */  struct GPCTL { char SRC : 4; char ENAB : 1; char KILL : 1; char : 1; char BUSY : 1; char FLIP : 1; char MASH : 2; unsigned int : 13; char PASSWD : 8;};   void getRealMemPage(void** vAddr, void** pAddr) { void* a = valloc(4096);  ((int*)a)[0] = 1; // use page to force allocation.  mlock(a, 4096); // lock into ram.  *vAddr = a; // yay - we know the virtual address  unsigned long long frameinfo;  int fp = open("/proc/self/pagemap", 'r'); lseek(fp, ((int)a)/4096*8, SEEK_SET); read(fp, &frameinfo, sizeof(frameinfo));  *pAddr = (void*)((int)(frameinfo*4096));} void freeRealMemPage(void* vAddr) {  munlock(vAddr, 4096); // unlock ram.  free(vAddr);} void setup_fm(){  /* open /dev/mem */ if ((mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR|O_SYNC) ) < 0) { printf("can't open /dev/mem \n"); exit (-1); }  allof7e = (unsigned *)mmap( NULL, 0x01000000, //len PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mem_fd, 0x20000000 //base );  if ((int)allof7e==-1) exit(-1);  SETBIT(GPFSEL0 , 14); CLRBIT(GPFSEL0 , 13); CLRBIT(GPFSEL0 , 12);   struct GPCTL setupword = {6/*SRC*/, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,0x5a};  ACCESS(CM_GP0CTL) = *((int*)&setupword);}  void modulate(int m){ ACCESS(CM_GP0DIV) = (0x5a << 24) + 0x4d72 + m;} struct CB { volatile unsigned int TI; volatile unsigned int SOURCE_AD; volatile unsigned int DEST_AD; volatile unsigned int TXFR_LEN; volatile unsigned int STRIDE; volatile unsigned int NEXTCONBK; volatile unsigned int RES1; volatile unsigned int RES2; }; struct DMAregs { volatile unsigned int CS; volatile unsigned int CONBLK_AD; volatile unsigned int TI; volatile unsigned int SOURCE_AD; volatile unsigned int DEST_AD; volatile unsigned int TXFR_LEN; volatile unsigned int STRIDE; volatile unsigned int NEXTCONBK; volatile unsigned int DEBUG;}; struct PageInfo { void* p; // physical address void* v; // virtual address}; struct PageInfo constPage; struct PageInfo instrPage;struct PageInfo instrs[1024];  void playWav(char* filename, float samplerate){ int fp= STDIN_FILENO; if(filename[0]!='-') fp = open(filename, 'r'); //int sz = lseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); //lseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); //short* data = (short*)malloc(sz); //read(fp, data, sz);  int bufPtr=0; float datanew, dataold = 0; short data;  for (int i=0; i<22; i++) read(fp, &data, 2); // read past header  while (read(fp, &data, 2)) { float fmconstant = samplerate * 50.0e-6; // for pre-emphisis filter. 50us time constant int clocksPerSample = 22500.0/samplerate*1400.0; // for timing  datanew = (float)(data)/32767;  float sample = datanew + (dataold-datanew) / (1-fmconstant); // fir of 1 + s tau float dval = sample*15.0; // actual transmitted sample. 15 is bandwidth (about 75 kHz)  int intval = (int)(round(dval)); // integer component float frac = (dval - (float)intval)/2 + 0.5; unsigned int fracval = frac*clocksPerSample;  bufPtr++; while( ACCESS(DMABASE + 0x04 /* CurBlock*/) == (int)(instrs[bufPtr].p)) usleep(1000); ((struct CB*)(instrs[bufPtr].v))->SOURCE_AD = (int)constPage.p + 2048 + intval*4 - 4 ;  bufPtr++; while( ACCESS(DMABASE + 0x04 /* CurBlock*/) == (int)(instrs[bufPtr].p)) usleep(1000); ((struct CB*)(instrs[bufPtr].v))->TXFR_LEN = clocksPerSample-fracval;  bufPtr++; while( ACCESS(DMABASE + 0x04 /* CurBlock*/) == (int)(instrs[bufPtr].p)) usleep(1000); ((struct CB*)(instrs[bufPtr].v))->SOURCE_AD = (int)constPage.p + 2048 + intval*4+4;  bufPtr=(bufPtr+1) % (1024); while( ACCESS(DMABASE + 0x04 /* CurBlock*/) == (int)(instrs[bufPtr].p)) usleep(1000); ((struct CB*)(instrs[bufPtr].v))->TXFR_LEN = fracval;  dataold = datanew; } close(fp);} void unSetupDMA(){ printf("exiting\n"); struct DMAregs* DMA0 = (struct DMAregs*)&(ACCESS(DMABASE)); DMA0->CS =1<<31; // reset dma controller } void handSig() { exit(0);}void setupDMA( float centerFreq ){  atexit(unSetupDMA); signal (SIGINT, handSig); signal (SIGTERM, handSig); signal (SIGHUP, handSig); signal (SIGQUIT, handSig);  // allocate a few pages of ram getRealMemPage(&constPage.v, &constPage.p);  int centerFreqDivider = (int)((500.0 / centerFreq) * (float)(1<<12) + 0.5);  // make data page contents - it's essientially 1024 different commands for the // DMA controller to send to the clock module at the correct time. for (int i=0; i<1024; i++) ((int*)(constPage.v))[i] = (0x5a << 24) + centerFreqDivider - 512 + i;   int instrCnt = 0;  while (instrCnt<1024) { getRealMemPage(&instrPage.v, &instrPage.p);  // make copy instructions struct CB* instr0= (struct CB*)instrPage.v;  for (int i=0; i<4096/sizeof(struct CB); i++) { instrs[instrCnt].v = (void*)((int)instrPage.v + sizeof(struct CB)*i); instrs[instrCnt].p = (void*)((int)instrPage.p + sizeof(struct CB)*i); instr0->SOURCE_AD = (unsigned int)constPage.p+2048; instr0->DEST_AD = PWMBASE+0x18 /* FIF1 */; instr0->TXFR_LEN = 4; instr0->STRIDE = 0; //instr0->NEXTCONBK = (int)instrPage.p + sizeof(struct CB)*(i+1); instr0->TI = (1/* DREQ */<<6) | (5 /* PWM */<<16) | (1<<26/* no wide*/) ; instr0->RES1 = 0; instr0->RES2 = 0;  if (i%2) { instr0->DEST_AD = CM_GP0DIV; instr0->STRIDE = 4; instr0->TI = (1<<26/* no wide*/) ; }  if (instrCnt!=0) ((struct CB*)(instrs[instrCnt-1].v))->NEXTCONBK = (int)instrs[instrCnt].p; instr0++; instrCnt++; } } ((struct CB*)(instrs[1023].v))->NEXTCONBK = (int)instrs[0].p;  // set up a clock for the PWM ACCESS(CLKBASE + 40*4 /*PWMCLK_CNTL*/) = 0x5A000026; usleep(1000); ACCESS(CLKBASE + 41*4 /*PWMCLK_DIV*/) = 0x5A002800; ACCESS(CLKBASE + 40*4 /*PWMCLK_CNTL*/) = 0x5A000016; usleep(1000);   // set up pwm ACCESS(PWMBASE + 0x0 /* CTRL*/) = 0; usleep(1000); ACCESS(PWMBASE + 0x4 /* status*/) = -1; // clear errors usleep(1000); ACCESS(PWMBASE + 0x0 /* CTRL*/) = -1; //(1<<13 /* Use fifo */) | (1<<10 /* repeat */) | (1<<9 /* serializer */) | (1<<8 /* enable ch */) ; usleep(1000); ACCESS(PWMBASE + 0x8 /* DMAC*/) = (1<<31 /* DMA enable */) | 0x0707;  //activate dma struct DMAregs* DMA0 = (struct DMAregs*)&(ACCESS(DMABASE)); DMA0->CS =1<<31; // reset DMA0->CONBLK_AD=0; DMA0->TI=0; DMA0->CONBLK_AD = (unsigned int)(instrPage.p); DMA0->CS =(1<<0)|(255 <<16); // enable bit = 0, clear end flag = 1, prio=19-16}   int main(int argc, char **argv){  if (argc>1) { setup_fm(); setupDMA(argc>2?atof(argv[2]):103.3); playWav(argv[1], argc>3?atof(argv[3]):22500); } else fprintf(stderr, "Usage: program wavfile.wav [freq] [sample rate]\n\nWhere wavfile is 16 bit 22.5kHz Mono. Set wavfile to '-' to use stdin.\nfreq is in Mhz (default 103.3)\nsample rate of wav file in Hz\n\nPlay an empty file to transmit silence\n");  return 0; } // main

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