Comments:"TideSDK | Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript"

TideSDK releases 1.3.1-beta
We are extremely proud to announce the release of TideSDK 1.3.1-beta. This is the first community release following the transition of Titanium Desktop to TideSDK. This is also the beginning of a progression of releases in the 1.3.x series as we move through final upgrades of core libraries including WebKit. This will culminate in a 1.4.0 stable release.

TideSDK Project Update
It’s been a long time coming, but to ensure that you know that we are very active, we thought we dust off the blog and give you a brief update on the state of affairs regarding the project.

Atlassian Supports Open Source TideSDK
Atlassian strongly believes in open source software. They support and contribute to the open source community in a number of ways — supplying their own code, supporting other projects by donating software, and sponsoring Java User Groups.